Standard 5 – Digital Citizenship


As an educator, digital citizenship is more important to focus on how students are using technology.  Digital citizenship is maintaining the privacy and safeguarding personal information when using a computer. Also, teaching students how to cite content and copyright the images properly when used on social media platforms. Using media resources is very common in students’ daily life. Students might use them while doing assignments, creating blogs, posters, etc.,; In such cases, the teacher should brief out how to search images, what images can be used, and cite them. For example, professor Darren taught all these while doing public service announcements project in my assessment and evaluation course. I was aware of copyright images and searching images earlier to this task, but I was unsure about citing them. Later, he explained to us the reasons for citing the images/information. Apart from that, he also taught us the history of cyberbullying, differences between traditional bullying and cyberbullying.

I believe that every teacher’s responsibility to teach good and bad aspects of technology. Today we see many students using and posting information on social media platforms like Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, Instagram, and many more. If students do not use the technology properly, they might face negative impacts in their future. The best example is cyberbullying, i.e., using other persons’ personal information. This has been an increasing rise in issues in schools. Say, If a student breaks a relationship with his/her friend, it is easy to be cruel digitally by posting some information/images about them on social platforms. Thus, I strongly believe that teachers should teach their students how to handle cyberbullying and be mentally peaceful and safe.

Our primary goal is to enhance 21st-century skills among students. Teaching digital citizenship is equally important to use a technology-driven future where the interactions through online and social media platforms will influence their success in society.


Digital Citizenship: Focusing on the what, why, and how. (n.d.). Retrieved November 12, 2020, from

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