Standard 2 – Teaching, Learning and Assessments


My Reflection on Standard 2 – Teaching, Learning and Assessments

Standard 2 of the ISTE standard is to “Design and develop digital-age learning experiences and assessments.” I believe this standard is very important in the digital learning platform. Numerous tools help students think and learn creatively. Through this master’s course, I learned how to use technology in the classroom from a student perspective.  All our instructors taught us how to implement different technologies for classroom and pedagogical instructions.

Say in the course Math, Science, and Technology I, professor Melda helped us using various web sources like Zunal, other media reviews for mathematics subjects.  For standard 2.D artifact, I used the Zunal web source as my evidence. Zunal is a tool that provides a basic shell of the Webquest, where teachers can add their tasks, learning process, activities, and evaluation. She also helped us in creating instructional strategies activity to explore the ways the tools that meet educational needs. I have showcased this in my standard 2.B artifact.

Coming to professor Ann-Marie Parkes, she made us create and design great projects like Game-based learning. This project encouraged me to use an interactive tool called an articulate storyline that helps students engage in their learning process. Also, another project she helped us with was a technology program that will integrate content standards and technology-enhanced learning experience named “Backward Design plan.” As an instructor, this backward design plan made me focus on three stages of the learning process, i.e., to concentrate on activities and instruction methods rather than outcomes of the instructions. I also created a video on how the backward lesson plan used in classroom learning. She also made us create a lesson plan for the English language arts subject, including technology. I used these as my evidence for standards 2.A, 2.E, and 2.F artifacts.

Professor Darren Francis made us understand the needs for assessments and evaluations in depth. From his lectures, I learned that formative and summative assessments are two types that play a crucial role in setting educational goals, managing individuals learning, and assessing individuals learning progress. Further, in standards 2.G and 2.H, I briefed about the needs of assessments and samples of formative and summative assessments I have created.

I will encourage future students to consider what they are curious about by giving them enough freedom when it comes to developing individual projects and assignments. Such that it allows them to use various technologies. I believe students can use technologies only when they participate in active learnings that will help them understand the subject in a better way with more hands-on experience. In the future, I encourage all my learners to collaborate and represent their learning through various technologies as my professors taught me.

To view all my artifacts of standard 2 – Go to ISTE standards tab > Scroll on Standard 2 – Teaching, Learning and Assessments.

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